Thursday, July 10, 2008

No news...

Well I am sad to say but there has been nothing new to report on the home. It has been a quiet week around here, although outside of the house has been very busy.

Monday night, our neighborhood baseball team had a game, which I subbed for our starting pitcher and I got shelled. We lost 18-1. It taught me a valuable lesson; never boo the pitcher because it is harder than you think. I will be returning to Camden Yards with a new perspective.

Tuesday was a post-work meeting and I had great intentions of catching the concert in Patterson Park but decided I was hungry and cooked dinner. Yes, even though Marisa is gone, I must fend for myself. I did run into some friends afterwards and chatted outside from 9:30-11:30 PM. That's what I love about this neighborhood. I intended to take Ferris out for a nightly walk and instead ran into several friends that had been at the concert and were walking home. After some discussion I ran into another friend/neighbor and we spent a while strategizing how to guerilla garden (placing of plants/flowers on another's property) our neighbor/friend's front stoop as a gift for when he returns from a trip to Europe. Implementation is set for Saturday.

Wednesday is our neighborhood Citizens On Patrols (COP) Like Police Academy 4, but we are not issued weapons.

Thursday, tonight you get views from the homestead. As I mentioned, we are staying in the front room during construction. This means me, the dog, and the cats. Locking the cats in the room means adding a litter box, gross, but it is what it is. So as a pay back for locking them in the room all day, I returned home to this nice mess...

On a side note, happy birthday to my great brother Jon and amazing nephew Nathan.

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